Wednesday, April 29, 2009

My Green Day
Today At the laundromat I tried to find ways that we could conserve and be a greener laundromat.

We are using 100% recycled toilet paper and paper towels.
We recycle cans, paper products and plastic detergent, water bottles, & plastic bags.
We recycle all of our wire hangers.
We will be only using every other light
We will offer an earth friendly detergents.
We will use less packaging, on our orders.

Tomorrow I will work on more ideas.

Please feel free to send me some of your ideas!
Thanks 4 gettin dirty!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I never knew that laundromats were a great place to meet people and make new friends. At my laundromat I hang out with some really great people. They share their stories with me. Stories of love, hope, disappointments, hardship, and joy. I learn so much about people there. Where they came from, where they are now, and where they want to be in the future. I feel very special that they trust me enough to share their personal lives with me.
I just want to say Thank You!

Come join our my laundry family.
Super Wash Laundromat
Warren, RI

Monday, April 27, 2009

10 Ways To Make Your Clothes Last Longer
In this economy we need to find ways of saving money. Making your clothes last is key.

1. Clothes can be worn more than once. (unless you work in a ditch)
This saves your clothes from fading and wear and tear. It save you money cause you are using less detergent, water, gas, and that's great for the environment too.

2. Freshen up clothes; by using a fabric re fresher and let air dry inside or out. fresh air is great for clothes (unless you have allergies) Remember direct sun light has a bleaching affect so don't leave dark clothing out too long.

3. Read labels. Not all fabrics are created equal. Follow all washing instructions.

4. Treat stains right away. Don't let stains sit, they will be harder to get out!

5. Wash dark clothes in cold water. Keeps clothes from fading. Using cold water also saves you money and is great for the environment, because it uses less energy.

6. Do not mix whites and lights with darks. Dark clothes tend to bleed their color.

7. Separate by fabrics when drying your clothes. Do not put light weight permanent press clothes in with heavy cottons. Cottons need high heat, perms need the permanent press cycle. You can burn clothes.

8. Remove Clothes from dryer, fold or hang right away to avoid wrinkles.

9. Hang dry your clothes; they will smell fresh and will save them from shrinking.

10. Seek professional laundry help, if you are not sure how to wash an item.

Monday, April 20, 2009