Thursday, July 29, 2010

Helping Others!

Like many of you, I dream about winning the Power-Ball Lottery for millions of dollars.

I have big plans with that money ....and it involves helping others.

But until I win.....I now have a way to help and its FREE!

My good friend, Jenny told me about a very frugal way to help

animals, children, breast cancer, violence against women, oceans, rain forests, end global warming and many other causes.

I am very excited about this site. All you have to do is sign up at
You pick the causes that mean alot to you and you click on those causes once a day.

How does this help, you ask....well every time someone clicks a cause, the sponsors on Care 2 make the donation for you.

You Do Not have to send money....just spare a little time to click.

How awesome is that?

Just think of how much of a difference you can make in this world if you and your friends join and start clicking. My first day clicking to donate will be tomorrow, I will share with all of you how much of a difference that Mikey and I are making for FREE. Please feel free to share your care 2, click to donate experience with us. We are looking forward to hearing from you.

In the meantime I am still gonna play Power-Ball! lol

Mikey said .....that he will remind me everyday to sign on and click!!

Oh P.S.......

My friend Jenny has a great blog too...
She just blogged about a local way that you can help animals. Check it out!!!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

My New Blog!

Check out my new blog....called my frugal kid and me
its a fun blog about me and my sons frugal adventures.
Please join us...and become a follower.
Here is the link.......http:// Thanks :)