Monday, May 18, 2009


Hi guys,
Sorry I have not written lately. It's been busy at the laundromat.

I want to blog tonight about giving to oCheck Spellingthers. Giving to others is a very important human experience. It helps us grow, and makes us feel good. What we give we get. It is the law of reciprocity.

The law of reciprocity can basically be summed up by stating the golden rule: do unto others as you would have others do unto you. However it goes one step further then this. The law states that whatever you do will be returned back to you. In other words, if you want to create success for yourself, help someone else become successful. Info: from

At the laundromat we are collecting items to help others.

We presently have boxes to collect:
*Drink pouches (like capri sun)for my sons school. (and other organizations)
*Box tops for the Warren School Department
*Toilet paper & paper towel rolls, egg curtains, baby food jars & containers
and other items for the children's crafts at the YMCA.
*Soda can tops for the Children's Hospital.
*Soda cans for the elderly
*Any size donation for the local animal shelter.

These types of giving have a direct impact for little or no cost to you.

If you are interested in helping Stop by Super Wash in Warren, RI and drop
your collection off.


1 comment:

  1. That is a beautiful post and i will do my best to help out. I challenge everyone else who reads this to do the same..Let's change the world, one person at a time...:)
